Sep 28, 2004

It Starts... Again
I'm sure I must have mentioned it before, the whole September Syndrome. From the time I was 3 till I was 23, each passing year was marked by September, like the ominous click when all the digits change in your odometer.

There's plenty of other milestones. Birthdays, New Year's, Chinese New Year, all have their requisite celebrations, but it's back to work right after. September brings change. The leaves turn, as does the weather. The summer is over, it's back to school, those institutional walls that have defined progress and success for so many years.

The last two years, I kinda missed the September mark. Working at a tech company, August rolls into October pretty quietly. This year September kicked in with the start of the intern program at my church, PBC. It kicked off with a dessert night at home of one of the elders. I almost skipped out, being somewhat sore since I just got back from the YAF Yosemite trip.

This means starting to try to figure out what I'm going to do for this next year. That is aside from the rather everyday things, what's going to change? I want to start something new.

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