Sitting around:
1. 1 rock hard 3 day old bread roll
2. 2 eggs
3. half a liter of milk
1. Make some chai:
1a. Boil milk with a couple of teaspoons of Assam tea, 2 cloves, half a stick of cinammon, and a cardammom pod.
1b. When at a boil, add lots of sugar, until it's super sweet.
1c. Strain and let cool.
2. Cut up the bread. This was the most difficult part when the bread was rock hard. A hammer might have worked better, place bread in a non-stick (or buttered) pan so it fits snuggly. You want to be able to pour in liquid and have it fill in the cracks, if your pan is too big, this won't happen.
3. Beat the egg till frothy.
4. After the chai has cooled a bit (so it doesn't cook the egg on contact) add chai to the egg. Add enough so that you have enough liquid to fill what space is left in the pan.
5. Let bread soak up the liquid. This could take 10 minutes.
6. Bake for until the custard sets. It took me 20 minutes at 300C (my combo nuke-convection-broiler oven doesn't go any higher) with my thin dessert. I think it could take up to 45 minutes if you have a larger and thicker bread pudding. Serve warm a la mode.
I could only find a big bread pan that was too big, or two small shell shaped pans, which worked well. I ended up having enough stuff to make 2. The second sat another 2 days in the fridge before I baked it, no worse for the wear. I really should have taken a picture, on a plate, with ice cream, but I got impatient and ate it.
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